1/25/11 - Hey Folks! It's been a long while since i've written here. The Crow: Purgatory series has made it's rounds in festivals and has also crossed over into spinoffs and cross overs to keep the Purgatory series thriving. I am and always will be grateful for the chance to share the story to all of you. Since meeting James O'Barr and Neil Gaimen, the adenelin remains in my veins to keep making projects at the speed of thought. I invite you to visit my latest work which goes into the descendents of the character, Priest in my latest work - in association with Redcape Cinema called - THE CHRONICLES OF THE ORDER: BLOODLINE (Now available on DVD)
DOGHOUSE FILMS to make a premiere showing of the brand new chapter of the Purgatory series called, PRIEST'S CALLING, at HEROFEST 09' - May 9th, 2009!
Purgatory: Priest's Calling - Is more of a prequel to Purgatory 1&2 which goes in to the story about the desciple, PRIEST ( Roberto Divina) and his adventures. Fight Coordinator, PIERRE PARKER, makes his directorial debut in this new direction for the series.


You heard it first! Torrid Productions will host an exclusive screening during the weekend of the
SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON (The largest West Coast Comic Convention) held on July 24-27, 2008.
The screening will also debut the pilot webisode of Redcape Cinema's EVE: Beauty and the Blade. Both directors - Ron Santiano, Desciple, cast and crew from both projects will be at hand to celebrate independent comicbook inspired action films.
PURGATORY to go Crowless? Yes, The purpose for the hype at Comic-con is to attract investors to have Purgatory be told in it's original form - taking flight without The Crow affiliation. This will allow us to produce the future of this franchise with an actual budget

The Crow: Purgatory (Special Edition) screened at this year's Phoenix Comiccon to an ethusastic audience. Producer (Pierre Parker) and director (DESCIPLE - hence, the guys in black above) followed up with a Q&A promoting independent filmmaking.
Also, a special THANKS goes out to Festival Director, Eric Kask and the Phoenix Comicon stafff for their spirit, support and warm hospitality!
Our friends at FANBOYTHEATRE has a review of P2 online for everyone to check out!
To see click on the graphic!

The Crow: Purgatory II gets an online review from Peter Backhouse at the exclusive Crow site,

"Thanks for the support, Peter!"
11/6/07 - Purgatory II makes the pages
of the world famous site,

Special thanks to Rob Worley!
Purgatory 1 & 2screens in France again!
Thanks to Yoann(The French Crow), a special Halloween event will feature both films along with the theatrical blockbusters.

Click to link to event

4/9/08- Torrid Productions has successfully obtained a screening at the Hilton (Gaslamp-Across from the Convention Center) in San Diego. We are looking at a Saturday, July 27th screening held diring the after exhibit hours of Comic-Con. Desciple, Dave Lockhart, Sharise Parviz, Roberto Divina, and Producer, Pierre Parker are scheduled for appearance and possibly panel talks at the Con (Details pending).
4/1/08 - DESCIPLE has signed on to direct and co-write a Jamaican production Action / Martial Arts film in late April as well as being the confirmed event coordinator for the upcoming "BCM Summer Shorts Film Festival in July for Channel 28. The upcoming project- PURATORY: PRIEST'S CALLING will make it's debut at the screening. 1/28/08 - So far, 2008 looks like a busy year for Bande Dessinée Films, already with two 2nd unit projects completed in January, two films will be in production -back to back in May. (DEADTIME- by DESCIPLE) and (PURGATORY: Priest's Calling by PIERRE PARKER). DESCIPLE has taken on 2nd unit directing for a scene in the upcoming webseries, EVE, Beaity and the Blade (Scene compeleted). We will also be exercising our production efficiency by taking part in The 48Hour Film Festival in San Francisco later this year.
12/10/07 - After winding down 2007, Purgatory 2 will be shown at various conventions and film fests in 2008. We are still looking for a server to upload and host the 4GB img file for everyone to download and burn a free copy of the movie. If you know of any, please EMAIL US!
1/10/08 - We just uploaded interviews with the cast and crew on the main page. Check it out here!
12/01/07- Diamond Dave Lockhart, coming from the heels of WARDOGS-The movie, is rallying the possibility of help producing a funding trailer for THE CROW: PURGATORY III in 08'. The daunting project will need many effects shots to capture the vision of the final showdown between Raphael and Alexis. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
11/27/07 - Fight Choreographer, Pierre Parker, will be writing and directing a Purgatory spinoff based on the character, PRIEST in early 08'
The famous site, ATOMFILMS.COM has added the PURGATORY II trailer to their collective!
The world famous SiliCon Convention gave Purgatory 2 much media time on online tv shows and podcasts as well as a slew of film panel discussions where cast members were present for Q&A.
Thanks to Derek & Tom @ Fanboyplanet, we were able to do our first Podcast at the event.
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST by clicking on the pic!
(From left to right - Dave Lockhart, Sharise Parviz, and Desciple).
For the Halloween Season, P2 was shown as the featured movie on HorrorTV on Berkeley's CH28.
We would also like to give a special thanks to David Roach of the Oakland International Film Festival for screening The Crow: Purgatory 1&2 at the historic Grand Lake Theater (OCT 19). Director, Desciple, was also interviewed by Comcast at the press conference party.
Purgatory 2's screening from the Purple Onion Event was covered
in the trade magazine, FILM & TAPE WORLD.
Click to see article